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Thursday, September 6, 2012

Howl Out to Non-Members!

I know how all of you Non-Members out there feel how it can get unfair for there being limited features available for Non-Members, and how most of the items are being Member-Only items.

I'm not neglecting Members, and saying that they shouldn't exist, because Members are good and help support Animal Jam!

But isn't it time for Non-Members to have just as much fun as Members? We get items that can be low-quality, such as the Old Blankets and Old Hoods.

I also counted the items in the Clothing shops that are available for Non-Members:

Jam Mart Clothing:

  • 11 Non-Member Items, 36 Member Items

Epic Wonders:

  • 1 Non-Member Item, 15 Member Items
Shiveer Shoppe:
  • 2 Non-Member Items, 8 Member Items

Bahari Bargains:

  • 2 Non-Member Items, 32 Member Items

Pretty big difference, and I think it's a little weird having that many Member Items, and very little Non-Member items for purchase.

We should email them. And it's not just the items, it's also everything else! Here is everything Members can do, but not Non-Members:

  • Buy Member Clothing/Furniture
  • (NOT SURE) Win News Crew?
  • Adopt Pets
  • Change dens
  • Create one of every animal
  • Play Pet-Only games
  • Pro mode on Jamaa Derby
  • Receive Monthly Member Gifts
  • Animated Emoticons
  • Access to parties with Member-Only animals and pets
Here are the (limited) features that Non-Members have access to:

  • Buy some clothing/furniture
  • Have 1 den (small house)
  • Have up to 2 animals (land/water)
  • Have limited Animal options
  • Use 2-D emoticons
  • Some parties
I don't like this at all. It just seems so unfair. YES I KNOW, life is unfair, yeah say that.
But the least we can have is better equality between Members and Non-Members.

Well, I'm emailing somebody OTHER than Animal Jam HQ.

Jam On!


  1. Non members should have the choice of another den, a few more animals, and a couple pets to choose from.

    1. Yeah I no it says anonymous but I m a real jammer who is member and thinks non mems should have at least some more things they could do like 3 animalz and just 1-2 pets or even more clothes they would get.if AJHQ really did that would b sooooooooooo happy can can I once was a non member and was missing but on a lot of things meh member friendz did.most of the time meh member friendz would unfriend meh caz I was a non member!!!!!!!!!

      ~♡ foxluv14725

  2. You're right Feelers! Non members should get a fair share too!
    I'm a member, but i feel sorry for the limited features for nonmembers.
    I emailed to AJ about some more features to nonmembers, like at least one or two pets and some neat clothing. Also, some various nonmember dens.
    But they dont do anything.
    I think, basically AJ is trying to tempt people to buy membership, just like CP does.

    P.S.: i love bacon too!

    1. I agree with you. I'm a member but still it's really unfair. Nm's barley get to do anything fun or worth while.

    2. lolathecat1 says some members are mean to non members some are but most are not so i say non members deserve rights!!!!!!!!!!!! some members are stuck up/sassy/bullies so feel free to report those ones and keep speaking up!you can make a difference today!

    3. Yeah I emailed them 2 but they never emailed meh back sordid any thing!!!!!!!!!

      ~♡ foxluv14725

  3. I agree with you Feelers! I'm a ex-member and it's so unfair being a nonmember and all :( I wish we could have atleast 3 animals and have two dens because I want a penguin but I have a wolf and bunny and I don't want to get rid of either. I want to have two dens because my den is full and I have leftover den items I want to put in my den!!!!! Grrrrrrr also, some members are very rude to nonmembers. Here are some things I over heard memebrs say to nonmembers. "Your a nonmember so you can't be in my 'clan'. Your a nonmember so you can't come to my party. Oh your a nonmember. You can't be my buddy." >:\ it makes me sooo mad!

    ~Cassiusclay (is mad) >:\

    1. I totally agree with you that happened to me when i was
      non member. Did you know that also non members are mean too because they couldn't get membership like this "I HATE FOXES!" "ALL MEMBERS ARE MEAN" and stuff like that.People are really just mean because there personialty ~random person ^.^

    2. whats an ex-member?

    3. Non members are sometimes mean to members because they want membership, And I always tell them it's because they pay with real money, But I'm also really sad we don't get COOL items. Like the old hood and blanket..Makes us seem poor to me.

    4. Yeah that happened 2 meh when I was a non member.people where like "oh u can't adopt meh cauz u r a non member and I only want a member mommy so get away".After that I was like if a non member is willing 2 adopt u, u should b at least a little happy and if they say the will adopt u b happy.:( now I feel like crying after telling that story

      ~♡ foxluv14725

  4. Even though I am a member, I do agree. AJHQ should make more nm things. Speaking of them, they should get my odd letter in a day or so.

    Papad91278's the glitch queen

  5. i feel you feelers. that is exactly how i feel, but nonmember- i guess i can talk to them better, (i feel that members are usually the mean people. but there are really nice and funny ones. and that happens with nonmembers too but not most of the time)im one and ready to take action ~awholenewworld

  6. Even though I'm a member, I totally agree. It's SO unfair! I'm going to post about this too if you don't mind. It's just getting out of hand.

    1. Yes, it IS getting out of hand! >:U

      Also, Feelers, I'm going to post this on my AJ blog, too, I'd just like to somehow get AJHQ to know that non-members get VERY few items, and the items they DO get are usually very crappy.


    3. or atleast let da members keep their memberships from recurring.

    4. yea evehn worse, some members are scammers >:O

    5. and i dont care about da fancy badges

  7. I TOTALLY AGREE. I am VERY annoyed with AJHQ for making SO many member items. I remember when pets were coming out, everyone got SO excited. And, AJHQ disappointed the non-members when they found out pets were MEMBERS ONLY. Didn't AJHQ have any IDEA how long some of the non-members had to wait to enter the pet shop, JUST to find out the pets were MEMBERS ONLY?! >8|

  8. It Is really unfair my friend quited animal jam for this oh btw non members can have pro mode because i had pro mode when i was non member

  9. I am a member. And think about the bright side, nonmembers. At least you can buy things at all! On Club Penguin you can't buy any clothing or igloo items if you are a nonmember. The only clothes you can get are the free ones. And also nonmembers, sometimes members will have less gems because there is a lot of stuff to buy. So when a nonmember hasn't much items to buy, they become and members and have all these gems.
    (click my name to check out my blog, please leave a question and/or comment)

  10. I am a member just because i wanted things in a different color i agree with feelers nonmembers should be equal to member or member shouldn't exist or hq should change some things like nonmember can have access to changing colors and accepting gifts from jam a grams and typeing your own word it might say its being tested with members but its been saying that for months so its for membersfor ever

  11. yea at least non-members should be able to be croc animals, fox animals, and unlock all the slots!

  12. :( I'm now sad cuz I'm a member and now I'm about to erupt in tears from all the mean things nm say about members. I'm a nice jammer. I buy nm colored clothes (if I have the gems), I make all parties for all animals, accept all fair trades, and only say nice words (unless some jammer comes up and starts a fight with another or me, then you don't want to be around) I'm so sad right now!

    1. Me too being a member is so fun, yet hard!
      We have to resist the mean things nonmembers shout to us
      And I remember when the rare came out and it's members only
      and this nonmember is shouting I HATE MEMBERS MEMBERS ARE MEAN AND UNFAIR
      if Animal Jam will make nonmember's aj lives fairer, things will be better for both nonmembers AND members

    2. Yeah I am a member and now I feel sad about it :( there r sooooooooooo many mean things being said about members now:(

      ~♡ foxluv14725

  13. Feelers, im not a member and i have pro mode!

  14. Feelers, I am a member. WE ARE NOT ALL JERKS AND LOSERS! There are some people like that, but there is no need to make a entire post on how we suck! The members need to have better things, or no body would buy a member ship! And then aj would have NO MONEY! Not trying to be mean, but really feelers? And also, you get pro mode on ?ANYTHING member OR NON MEMBER if you win it ten times! It's not our fault THat you didn't do that!

    1. Didn't I just say that not all members are mean?

      And I didn't say that members suck. If members suck, then I wouldn't be playing it.

      Thank you for your opinion, but next time, don't spew your mean talk all over me. It's making me quite mad.

      Thanks for listening.

    2. Please calm down, maybe you didnt read correctly but i dont want to yell to make things worse.

  15. You know, members kind of deserve what they get. Members PAY for all of their stuff. Plus, non members get alot of good stuff for free. I mean, on club penguin, if you are a nonmember, you can't do ANYTHING! I do think nonmembers deserve more stuff, but just think from the member point of view.

    1. i am a member, and agree with you. thanks for mentioning that we pay for that. it makes me feel like not everybody is angry at me just because i have a gold name tag. i don't care abut, and wont read all the angry replies i might get,. i just wanted to say thatks for not hating the sterio typical members. :) and :0 o

  16. I agree, so Unfair! Im member but only for a little while left! If non members could have at least one pet that would ROCK!-partyanimalzz

  17. Look on the bright side: It's WAY better than Club Penguin!

  18. my real life friend is a non member on animal jam! i play animal jam too and i always get her gifts like a rare non member item or a different color non member item! THEY CANT EVEN RECIEVE GIFTS EVEN THOUGH THEY DESERVE IT!!!! Animal jam doesnt understand she probably goes crazy about must having pink in her den! ~roiho P.S. i want to end my membership somehow to help others

  19. I agree i really really really want to play ssssnake :c they should make a game for hamsters and seahorses :D ~ Ripebananatree


Here are the steps for commenting on my blog:
1. Do 10 jumping jacks. Right now. In front of your computer.
3. Go to your sibling (or parent) and say: "I feel a disturbance in my socks."
4. Type your comment while dancing like a diseased maniac.
5. When your parent asks what the glob you are doing answer by saying: "The computer made me do it."
6. If you say anything bad, hate, or anything like that, then no more commenting for you. (Okay, this is the only step you can take seriously.)
7. If you love bacon, type at the end of your comment: P.S. to Feelers: Ich liebe Speck. [That means "I love bacon" in German.]
8. Jam On! :D


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